Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
-Mark 12:30-
Our Christian Ethos
At Witley, our Christian ethos permeates every layer of school life. It is the basis upon which we educate the whole child and ensure both spiritual development and academic progress. We have a broad and balanced programme for collective worship which incorporates special times and events within the year. Children are given time for reflection and are encouraged to see the joy and wonder of the world.
"Open The Book assemblies are amazing because we see stories from the Bible acted out."
The majority of our assemblies are for the whole school and take place in the Jubilee Hall. One assembly a week is based in the classroom to allow each year group to come together and share the occasion more intimately. We have regular visitors to our collective worship, such as the Vicar from All Saints Church, Witley, and a team of volunteers from ‘Open the Book’ who deliver bible stories through drama and storytelling.
"Reverend James comes to visit us. He tells us about God and Jesus."
Gold Book Assembly
Each week, we have a special Gold Book Assembly. This is a time where we celebrate successes and achievements across our school. Children can be nominated for a variety of reasons, from demonstrating perseverance and resilience in their learning to showing kindness and consideration towards others.