Last Day of term is Thursday, 13th February for our half term holiday. We return on Monday, 24th February 2025 at 8.45 am.
Last Day of term is Thursday, 13th February for our half term holiday. We return on Monday, 24th February 2025 at 8.45 am.
Witley C of E Infant School

Our School

Witley C of E Infant School is located in the village of Witley, near Godalming in Surrey. It was established in 1836 as the only school in the entire parish. It benefits from having a beautiful and historic main building, which is both impressive and full of character. The school is officially described as a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School. This means that it is a church school, which is ‘controlled’ in terms of the funding by the Local Education Authority. 
The School
The building consists of three classrooms, a library, a shared learning resource area, administration office and number of small meeting/group rooms. All classes are very well resourced with high quality equipment. Responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school lies with the Headteacher and Governors.
Jubilee Hall

Our school hall is owned by the local community and we have sole use of it on a daily basis during term time. We hold the majority of our assemblies there and it is well equipped for PE lessons. It is also the place where we meet every day to enjoy our delicious lunches that are all cooked on site. Outside of school hours, the Hall is used by Cubs, Scouts, Guides and Beavers as well as other community groups.
Outdoor Areas

There are a number of grassed and hard play areas around the school. We also have the additional resource of an outdoor area for Environmental and Science work. The main playground is enhanced with permanent large wooden play facilities such as a house, boat and adventure trail.
Godalming Learning Partnership

Witley C of E Infant School is a member of the Godalming Learning Partnership (GLP) which works together to ensure that all children in our area receive the highest quality education, whilst valuing each school’s autonomy and uniqueness.

For many years, schools in the Godalming area have enjoyed increasingly positive and fruitful working relationships. We have shared expertise, training opportunities, events for children and many other opportunities to support learning in our community. We want this to continue in the face of many changes in education. For this reason, we have been looking at formalising a new way of working to become the GLP. This will not change the individual nature of each school or its ethos but it will bind us together more closely to help us to continue to support one another and further develop learning and education for our communities.

The Chandler C of E Junior School

At the end of Year Two, most of our children will continue their education at The Chandler C of E Aided Junior School. We have strong links between Witley Infants and The Chandler and our children are well supported during their transition.
Most of our pupils continue their education at The Chandler C of E Aided Junior School.