School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school. The wearing of uniform instils pride; supports positive behaviour; ensures that pupils of all ethnicity, cultures and backgrounds feel welcome and supports effective teaching and learning. We have taken into account the cost of our school uniform and we have made some changes to ensure our uniform is affordable.
Changes include:
Non logo white polo tops available from leading supermarkets
Non logo white PE shirts
Optional bottle green coat
Details of our school uniform are available below.
It is now possible to purchase branded items of uniform directly from our supplier, Price & Buckland.
Uniform List for Girls and Boys
School or plain bottle green sweatshirt/cardigan
School or plain white or bottle green polo shirt
Grey trousers or shorts
Grey skirt/pinafore or green & white checked summer dress
White/grey/black cycling shorts can be worn with summer dresses
(This is an addition to our uniform policy at the request of our School Council)
Grey/bottle green tights or white/grey socks
Book bag
White round necked T-shirt
PE shorts (bottle green)
Bottle green/black jogging bottoms (optional)
PE drawstring bag
Forest School/Outdoor Learning
Waterproof jacket, trousers and wellies - please also see additional notes on Forest School kit list here: Forest School Page
Second Hand Uniform
We have a variety of second hand and nearly new uniform available and this is an excellent way of supplementing your existing uniform. Help us recycle our uniform!
We do not charge for second hand uniform but you can make a voluntary donation to The Friends of Witley School if you would like to. Please email or call in at the school office for more details.
The Friends of Witley School hold recycled uniform days throughout the year.