Witley School welcomes the Pied Piper Theatre this week!
Witley School welcomes the Pied Piper Theatre this week!
Witley C of E Infant School


Our Witley history curriculum will help children gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It will inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past.


History introduces our children to what has happened in the past and how this has shaped our present and future, both locally and in the wider world. They learn how to ask questions about events, look at evidence and develop their decision making skills.
The teaching and learning of history is based upon discussions, use of primary and secondary resources, debate, role play, field work and first hand experiences. This includes dressing up days, and trips out of school.

Below is our History Progression Pathway document which outlines our learning in history from EYFS to the end of Year 2.

For a more detailed overview of the areas of history we teach when please look at our Curriculum Maps, which can be found in our Classes section. Our Curriculum Maps give you a complete overview of 'what we teach when'  in each subject across year groups.